The Solar System

The solar system is a collection of celestial bodies that are bound together by gravity. It consists of the Sun, eight planets, moons, asteroids, comets, and other objects.

The Sun

The Sun is the center of the solar system and the largest object. It provides light and heat to the planets and other celestial bodies. It is a massive ball of hot gases, primarily hydrogen and helium.

The Planets

There are eight planets in the solar system, divided into two groups: terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) and gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune). Each planet has its own unique characteristics and features.


Many of the planets in the solar system have moons (or natural satellites) orbiting around them. For example, Earth has one moon, while Jupiter has over 70 moons.

Asteroids and Comets

Asteroids are rocky objects that orbit the Sun, mostly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Comets are icy bodies that travel through the solar system, leaving a trail of gas and dust behind them when they approach the Sun.

Studying the Solar System

There are various ways to study the solar system, including telescopes, space probes, and spacecraft missions. Scientists continue to make new discoveries and learn more about the solar system and beyond.

Study Guide

[The Solar System] Related Worksheets and Study Guides:

◂Science Worksheets and Study Guides Third Grade. The solar system

The resources above cover the following skills:

Concepts of Earth Science (SD1, SD2, SD3, SD4)

The student demonstrates an understanding of the theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by recognizing that objects appear smaller the farther away they are.

The student demonstrates an understanding of the theories regarding the origin and evolution of the universe by recognizing that objects have properties, locations, and movements that can be observed and described.

Concepts of Earth Science: A student should understand and be able to apply the concepts, processes, theories, models, evidence, and systems of earth and space sciences. A student who meets the content standard should:

Develop an understanding of the cyclical changes controlled by energy from the sun and by Earth's position and motion in our solar system.