Undergraduate Admissions

Admission to Bowie State University is granted to qualified applicants who will benefit from the University’s academic and social experiences. The University is especially well-equipped to support students who see value in our academic offerings and opportunities.

Basis of Selection

New students are eligible for admission at the beginning of FALL and SPRING terms. New students who transfer at least 24 credit hours to Bowie State may also be eligible to begin in SUMMER or winter terms. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Admissions decisions are determined by your academic performance, standardized college exams, recommendations of appropriate school officials, and other evidence deemed indicative of the your ability to successfully complete a collegiate course of study. Bowie State University does not discriminate against any student on basis of age, race, creed, religion, handicap, gender, nationality, ethnic origin or any other unrelated characteristics.

Applying For Admission

Application for Admission

Priority Application Deadlines

Application Fee

High School Applicants

High School Transcript

High School Curriculum

Admission consideration is given to applicants who have completed a minimum of the following:

SAT I and ACT Scores

Preferred Admission - Academic Requirements

SAT Total Score
2.30 850 or Higher 17 or Higher

The SAT is super scored (best score in each section from any test date are added together). The ACT is not super scored, we use your highest composite score.

Application and Acceptance Fees are Nonrefundable. These fees are used to offset registration processes.

Application Fee Waivers

Placement Assessment and Exam

All entering freshmen are required to complete an initial academic assessment in english, mathematics and reading. The University offers courses and other academic enrichment programs to strengthen areas deemed necessary by the assessment. Based upon the results of your individual assessment, certain academic enrichment work may be required.

Admission Prior to High School Graduation

Admission decisions rendered and issued prior to high school graduation are subject to re-evaluation upon the receipt of the final high school transcript with graduation date. Your admission decision is contingent upon your successful completion of the high school curriculum in a manner that qualifies you for admission to the University according to the academic standards indicated.

Concurrent Enrollment

Who is Eligible for Concurrent Enrollment?

High school juniors and seniors who seek to take undergraduate courses, but do not intend to begin work towards a degree at this time are eligible for concurrent enrollment

Applicants for Concurrent Enrollment Must Provide the Following:

Program Guidelines

Who is Eligible for Dual Enrollment?

Applicants for Dual Enrollment Must Provide the Following:

Who is Eligible to Transfer

Official Transcripts

Transcripts are considered official when received directly from the issuing institution in a sealed envelope with the school’s seal and/or official signature.