Modifying Child Support

Changes can be made to the amount of child support ordered by a court. These modifications are usually based on a "changed circumstance" of one of custodial parents.

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Changing Child Support Payments

Modifications (changes) to child support do not happen automatically. One of the parents must request that the court change the child support order, using a written “motion” – a formal request to the court. Circuit court forms are available on the Maryland Courts website.

Either parent (the parent who pays or the person who receives the payment) may ask the court to change the order while the child is under 18 years old.

The court that makes the original child support award can modify the order if the parties’ situations materially change. “Material” means that the change matters and is relevant to the situation. A court will need a clearly indicated change in the parties' circumstances, needs, and financial condition to change the child support order.

What situations might cause a change in support?

During the years a child support order is in place, the parents’ circumstances may change many times. When seeking to modify child support, you must show that there has been a significant change in circumstances since the last child support order was issued. Maryland courts refer to significant changes in circumstances as “material” changes.

A material change includes when a parent owing child support meets or no longer meets the following criteria: