Viability of Feature Detection on Sony Xperia Z3 Using OpenCL (Computer Project)

Embedded platforms GPUs are reaching a level of performance comparable to desktop hardware. Therefore it becomes interesting to apply Computer Vision techniques to modern smartphones. The platform holds Continue reading →

Project: Computer Projects
Tags: Android, CSE Mini Projects, Embedded, Mobile, Performance

Bluetooth Stereo Network ECE 445 (Electronics Project)


Our group designed and built a stereo network that streams audio from a Bluetooth-enabled device and automatically handles playback from the speakers closest to the user. The system is comprised of a hub to which the user’s device Continue reading →

A Review on Internet of Things for Defense and Public Safety (Electrical/Electronics Project)


The Internet of Things (IoT) is undeniably transforming the way that organizations communicate and organize everyday businesses and industrial procedures. Its adoption has proven well suited for sectors that manage a large number of assets Continue reading →

An Android based Monitoring and Alarm System for Patients with Chronic Obtrusive Disease (Electronics/Computer Project)

Consistent monitoring of vital health parameters is an important issue in the medical industry. With recent technologies we are able to carry out remote monitoring of physiological parameters in patients. This allows communication between a patient and medical personnel using Continue reading →

Autonomous Quadcopter Docking System (Electronics Project)


The goal of this project was to design the systems and algorithms necessary to allow a quadcopter to autonomous locate and land on a station target. The purpose of this system was to outline the framework for a quadcopter based data collection Continue reading →

Budget Manager Android App Source Code


Budget Manager helps manage personal budgets. After adding your budgets, simply record your day-to-day transactions. You can then view how close your sending is to your budget. Continue reading →

Project: Computer Projects
Tags: Android

Student Database Management System Project in Android with Source Code Download

This simple project contains features such as Adding, Modifying, Deleting, Viewing student’s records. The user has to enter Student’s Name, Roll number, and their marks to add records and the user can view a list of each and every record at Continue reading →

Project: Computer Projects
Tags: Android, Management, Management System, MySQL, SQL

Real-Time Topic and Sentiment Analysis in Human-Robot Conversation (Computer/Electronics Project)


Socially interactive robots, especially those designed for entertainment and companionship, must be able to hold conversations with users that feel natural Continue reading →

Analyzing Mobile Application Software Power Consumption via Model-driven Engineering (Computer Projects)


Smartphones are mobile devices that travel with their owners and provide increasingly powerful services. The software implementing these services must conserve battery power since smartphones Continue reading →

Myrrrrr’s Dice Game Android Application (Computer Project)

Smartphones are one the newest and fastest growing hardware platforms in recent years. The number of users playing and downloading games on the Android and iPhone application markets are growing rapidly. A majority of Continue reading →

Project: Computer Projects
Tags: Android, App Development, Programming

An extension to the Android Access Control Framework (Computer Project)

Several nice hardware functionalities located at the low level of operating system on mobile phones could be utilized in a better way if they are Continue reading →

Project: Computer Projects
Tags: Android, Security

Android Map Application (Computer Project)

Nowadays people use maps everyday in many situations. Maps are available and free. What was expensive and required the user to get a paper copy in a shop is now available on any Smartphone. Not only maps but location-related information visible on the maps is an Continue reading →