What is e-Biz

What is e-Biz. eBusiness is … by OECD. better procurement and supply chain making sales teams in the field more effective the ability to easily outsource functions such as accounting remote access to mission critical systems linking management teams in different locations

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What is e-Biz

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  1. What is e-Biz
  2. eBusiness is … by OECD • better procurement and supply chain • making sales teams in the field more effective • the ability to easily outsource functions such as accounting • remote access to mission critical systems • linking management teams in different locations • being able to quickly locate the lowest cost suppliers • improves customer services • unprecedented collection of customer information • more effective management of remote manufacturing sites
  3. Self-Service Relationship Management Business Intelligence Global 새로운 방식으로 업무를 수행한다. By Oracle From To Administration Internal Focus Transactions Local, Regional
  4. Customer Profile Preferences Experiences Lifetime Value History Issues To Win and Retain Customers Customers Portal Web Store Direct/Tele Sales Customer Service
  5. Partner Profile Timeliness Quality Capacity Price Risk To Execute Efficiently Partners Suppliers ChannelPartners Service Providers
  6. Strategy & Goals Plans Trends Exceptions Analysis Forecasts To Increase Competitiveness Employees& Managers Self-Service Enterprise Applications Business Intelligence
  7. Business Intelligence Enterprise-wide Analysis is the Key Customers Employees& Managers Partners Portal Suppliers Self-Service Web Store ChannelPartners Enterprise Applications Direct/Tele Sales Business Intelligence Customer Service Service Providers
  8. “BUY SIDE” • Supply Chain • Management • Supply Chain Planning • Advanced Planning & Scheduling • Order Management • Purchasing • Internet Procurement • Selling Point • Self-Service Suppliers • EDI Gateway • “SELL SIDE” • Customer • Relationship • Management • Sales • Marketing • Support • Call Center • iStore • iPayment • iBill & Pay • Web Customers • “IN SIDE” • Corporate Manufacturing • Management • Oracle Financial •Discrete Mfg • Oracle HRMS •Process Mfg • Business Intelligence •Projects • Strategic Enterprise Mgt • Self-Service Employee • Oracle eTravel e-Business 의 구성요소 “PLATFORM” • Oracle8i Family • Parallel Server • interMedia, iFs • WebDB • Workflow • Oracle Internet Directory • Advance Security Server • Oracle Application Server • Oracle Development, Query and Report Tools
  9. Vision Realization eBusiness Strategy Workshop eBusiness Value Assessment Design &Prototype Build & Test Deploy &Measure eBusiness Architecture • e-Business 통합 프레임워크 개발 • e-Business 컴포넌트 및 • 어플리케이션 개발 및 구축 • e-Business 솔루션 운영 • e-Business 전략 파악 • e-Business 이니셔티브 도출 • e-Business 아키텍쳐 정의 • e-Business Case 개발 • e-Business Roadmap 개발 e-Business 전략 수립 방법론
  10. E-Business의 목적(?)by Forrester Research But…
  11. Then Digital Business? Very good… But where is money?
  12. Finding right e-Biz Model… But how? I see… But I don’t know where to go. 'Quo Vadis Domine
  13. You should go…Because, now or never • Just imagine what will happen when teenagers get buying power of their own… • Then you can see why now or never…
  14. Are followings helpful?- From “Digital Darwinism” - • 솔루션 브랜드를 만들어라… • 브랜드의 정의 : 고객 및 비즈니스 주변에 대한 약속 (기본에 충실하라) • 수요 공급에 맞춰 가격을 역동적으로 조절하라… • 수요에 따른 차별적이고, 유연한 가격정책 • 파트너 마케팅을 주시하라. • 잠재적인 적이 될 수 있는 존재들을 사업파트너로 끌어들이는 것 • 웹처럼 진입장벽이 낮은 비즈니스에서 매우 중요한 요소 • ex) 아마존? • 정보와 서비스의 가치꾸러미를 만들어라…. • 고급한 상품을 꾸러미? 얼마든지 유료화가 가능? • 네트워크 생산을 활성화하라. • 혼자서 가치꾸러미를 전부 만들려고 하지 말자… • 사이버 중개에 새로운 가치를 부가하라… • 싸구려 중개 수수료, 광고에 의한 수익은 생존에 도움이 되지 않는다. • 충분한 수의 고객과 그들의 충분한 참여를 통한 새로운 서비스의 고부가가치화가 필요 => 어려운 이야기 • 모든 것을 웹과 통합시켜라…

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