
Virginia Surety Company Inc. (VSC) is a premier provider of a comprehensive range of insurance and warranty solutions to the automotive, appliance and technology and financial services industries.

In Australia and New Zealand VSC operates as a local branch of the United States of America registered insurance company.

VSC, NUA, and The Warranty Group are part of Assurant, Inc a global provider of risk management solutions. As a global organization, we have been actively monitoring the developments of the rapidly evolving situation resulting from COVID-19. Throughout this period of uncertainty, we have acted swiftly and deliberately to safeguard our employees, customers and business operations in line with our Assurant values. Please find a link to information on our global response to COVID-19

Within our local community, we would like to reassure our customers that we remain committed to supporting their needs. Our team remains available to respond to your queries and requests and we ask you to direct all communication via email to customerfeedback@thewarrantygroup.com. A team member will review and action your email and aim to respond as soon as practicable. These are unprecedented times, so there may be occasions where there is a delay and we ask for your patience should this occur. Please keep safe and well during this period and contact us if you require any assistance.

ABN: 63 080 339 957 | AFS Licence No. 245579
Copyright 2018 Virginia Surety Company, Inc (in Australia).
All rights reserved.