Business and investment Business rates relief and exemptions

You can apply for various business rate reliefs from us depending on the status of your property.

You must continue to pay in accordance with your bill while your application for relief is considered. Recovery action may still be taken if you fail to make the payments demanded.

Occupied premises

You may be able to apply for:

Empty premises

There’s no charge for the first three months when a business becomes empty, or six months for industrial property. After this, it will be charged at the full business rates.
There are some exemptions, such as listed buildings and properties with a rateable value of less than £2,900.

Support for businesses

Business and inward investment have a big part to play in the successful future of our city and we also support business directly though our partners. The Business Growth Hub provides information about support for business.

State Aid

When awarding business rate discounts, we must do so within state aid de minimis levels. This regulation allows small amounts of aid to be awarded.